Chinook School of Music

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S.E.E. Your Child's Music Kids Experience - A Guide

Welcome to Music Kids!

We have prepared this blog to assist you in optimizing your child's classroom experience.

S.E.E. Your Child's Music Kids Experience - A Guide:


We encourage active participation through singing as frequently as possible. Your child is constantly absorbing sounds from their surroundings, contributing to their learning experience within the classroom.


As a parent, you play a pivotal role in guiding your child's journey through the class. Your guidance is instrumental in shaping their participation and understanding. Lead by example, demonstrate the behaviours you wish to see in your child.


Embrace this opportunity to acquaint yourself with your child in a classroom setting where there is no definitive 'right or wrong.' This environment offers valuable insight into your child's unique learning style; some may thrive in stillness, while others through movement and exploration. Maintain curiosity and observe how your child learns in their own distinctive way.

Occasionally, you may find yourself with a child who enjoys wandering and exploring during class. Here's how to respond to this situation:

Addressing Wandering Behavior:

It is not unusual to observe toddlers exploring their surroundings within the Music Kids classroom. Several factors can draw a child away from the circle, especially if they have recently started walking or moving independently.

Here are some strategies for gently managing wandering children:

Allow Independence:

When a child begins to wander, give them at least a minute or so before intervening. If they continue to wander, gently guide them back to the circle. Repeat this process as needed.

Change Perspective:

Some children may perceive it as a game when their caregiver watches them from a distance. To discourage this behavior, position yourself out of their line of vision and avoid direct attention. In many cases, they will return to the circle on their own.

Emphasize Circle Participation:

Maintain the expectation that even when a child wanders, they are still part of the circle. Resist the urge to accompany them when they move away, as this can reinforce the behavior.

Benefits of Music:

Remind yourself that, even when outside the circle, children can still hear the music throughout the classroom, and they are benefiting from the experience. Typically, most children settle into the routine after a few weeks.

Your understanding and patience are essential in creating a positive and enriching Music Kids experience for your child.